Advisor Agreement - Information Update

Advisor Agreement

This form will enable you to update your organization's advisor information. Please have your advisor complete this form once they have been added to your organization as an administrator.

This is to be completed by all new advisors to a student organization. Upon completion of this form, Student Involvement will grant advisor access to the FalconsConnect account for your organization.
I understand that I am responsible for helping the organization manage our financial affairs by authorizing appropriate expenditures and maintaining accurate records.
I understand that I am only an advisor for this student organization. My charge is to counsel the group and assist as needed but the organization must be run and managed primarily by students.
I understand that I am responsible for helping the organization create a reasonable Constitution and By-Laws and keeping a copy in my possession. This will be the primary document for resolving disputes within the organization.
I understand that the organization I advise is important, but is also one of many at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls.
I understand that agreeing to be an advisor is an important responsibility and I will do my best to serve the organization as a teacher and mentor and not simply as a name on a sheet of paper.
I will do my best to make sure that the organization I advise upholds national, state and local laws and operates within the policies laid out by the University.
Terms and Conditions Checkbox

By checking that you agree, you will assume all responsibilities that were listed above. This box will serve as your signature.